Andrea Domínguez. (Bachelors in Psychology- Master degree in Clinical Psychology)

Internship with Dra.Silvia Navarro -Evaluation and preparation of bariatric surgery reports. • Evaluation and preparation of expert reports in custody cases. • Intervention and reporting for different anxiety dissorders, ADHD, various phobias, eating disorders, couples therapy, grief, among others- Internship at General Hospital in Ciudad Real -Attendance to individual clinical sessions with the minors and parents or guardians. Reading of medica records. Attendance at weekly clinical sessions with other mental-health professionals. • Group Therapy with adolescents diagnosed with Borderline Perosnality Dissorder- Volunteering: • Madrid Diabetic Association(ADEMADRID) • Diabetic Association of Ciudad Real (ADICIR) • Volunteer Centre Liverpool • The White Chapel Centre (Liverpool)

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 consider myself as a psychologist with an eclectic-integrative approach. I consider the integration of different approaches and treatments useful (always with proven scientific validity), since this variety reflects the complexity and richness that characterizes human behaviour. In my opinion, patient.therapist relationship has enormours importance for the patient’s comminment too therapy and consecuently its improvement and it is something that I like to prioritize during therapy. I like to be in constant training and I am interested in working in multidisciplinary teams. I consider myself a person with empathic capacity, proactive, flexible, curious and hard working. 

Additional Details

  • Female
  • English, Spanish
  • 2017
  • Yes
  • Individual, Couple, Online
  • 30-50